Jean Jennings
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7 видео

Jean Jennings

  • Псевдонимы: Jean Jensen, Jenny Lind
  • Дата рождения: Feb 13, 1957
  • Место рождения: United States
  • Теги: Vintage
  • Цвет глаз: Blue
  • Цвет волос: Blonde
  • Национальность: United States
  • Раса: Caucasian
  • Тату: нет
  • Пирсинг: нет

Porn Star Jean Jennings is a youthful-looking strumpet who was one of the most popular choices among 70's porno producers when they needed someone to play a fresh-faced and often virginal young woman. Jean Jennings' lithe little body and wide-eyed look of innocence made her perfect for roles as the debauched school girls who populated much early hardcore. Her long straight blonde hair and tall, leggy frame give her away as a product of the 70's, but her fiery sexual sizzle would be at home in any era. Jean Jennings got into hardcore in the early 70's, overcoming her non-existent acting skills with a series of scintillating sexual performances. She starred in some of the more off-beat early porn, including the tense mental ward sex flick 'Defiance.'

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